Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Indian Politics ~ just hell like

Great Indian politics.....nowhere to be found !

We Indians know what politics actually means better than anyone anywhere in the entire world. We play politics, we live politics and we drink a famous ad line goes. We cannot do without politics. Politics is our birth right.

Starting from the royal court of Mahabharata* to today's every road corner, village, household, tea stall, school, fish market....politics is in our blood. This is our greatest heritage. We all owe it to mama Sukuni** !

This is why when time came we opted for democracy rather than other "cracies". Because only democracy will provide us all with scope for showing our Sukuni-like talents.

But wait, .......we are not saying all this out of proudness, in fact it is a shameful politics of exploitation we are seeing these days in this country. It is not democracy in real sense. It is the 'forced politics' .

What is 'forced politics' then ? Read on...

Suppose you have good source of income for a decent living. You do not want to involve in any kind of politics. No way ! Still you cannot escape. You will be forced...

Only a few examples:

When an election approaches, various political parties will come to your house for donations and requests for attending their meetings & rallies. You cannot deny them or else you'll be labelled "anti". If you do, they will burn/ransack your home if they come to power after the elections... You are 'forced' to donate !
Farmers are more exploited lot. If you do not take part in political rallies, procession of ruling party, chances are you will not get fair amount of your ration, loan from banks, monthly pension for aged people, subsidised seeds/pesticides/fertilizer etc. You are 'forced' to...
If you happen to be a Govt. employee, you know what hell like it is. Every offices has a samiti ( or commitee) affiliated to ruling party. They collect monthly donations from member-employees of that office. If you do not donate or attend meetings, your promotion may be denied or still worse you may be transferred to remote village or hill area as punishment. So, you're 'forced' to...!
These are only a few of hundreds of corrupt, inhuman politics in our country.

But, personally, what is most disturbing is the scene when you see underaged 10-12 year old children in political parties' procession - party flags in their soft hands and chanting slogans ! What they know about politics ? Is this the age they are supposed to do this ? Poor, undernourished women carrying their small child piggy-back are so common scenes in such rallies and processions.
* 5000 years old great Indian epic
** A character in Mahabharata. A real cunning fox !

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